Totara Learn Open Discussions

Question - Theme Creation

Ian Fletcher
Question - Theme Creation
بواسطة Friday, 10 July 2020, 11:32 AM - Ian Fletcher


I am currently working within an instance of Totara and have branded the site, changed the appearance, blocks, menus, etc.  I am now satisfied with how the site looks.  Is there an easy way to save my changes (essentially take a snapshot) and apply them on a site level?  Any details that you can share with me would be greatly appreciated.



Craig Eves
Re: Question - Theme Creation
بواسطة Sunday, 12 July 2020, 8:21 PM - Craig Eves (Totara Support)
مجموعة Totara

Hi Ian

If you changed the settings via the theme through the appearance settings these will be applied at the site level.

The blocks appear on different levels  - the Frontpage and Dashboard blocks will be applied to the site.

Blocks on courses will apply to the course only - it is possible to change the default blocks for new courses by editing the config.db file - this is documented in the config.dist file that comes with Totara or you can use a backup and restore for a course so the appearance of the courses are the same.
