Totara Learn Open Discussions

Question - Theme Creation

Ian Fletcher
Question - Theme Creation
par Ian Fletcher, Friday 10 July 2020, 11:32


I am currently working within an instance of Totara and have branded the site, changed the appearance, blocks, menus, etc.  I am now satisfied with how the site looks.  Is there an easy way to save my changes (essentially take a snapshot) and apply them on a site level?  Any details that you can share with me would be greatly appreciated.



Craig Eves
Re: Question - Theme Creation
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Sunday 12 July 2020, 20:21
Groupe Totara

Hi Ian

If you changed the settings via the theme through the appearance settings these will be applied at the site level.

The blocks appear on different levels  - the Frontpage and Dashboard blocks will be applied to the site.

Blocks on courses will apply to the course only - it is possible to change the default blocks for new courses by editing the config.db file - this is documented in the config.dist file that comes with Totara or you can use a backup and restore for a course so the appearance of the courses are the same.
