Totara Learn Open Discussions

HR import problem - Cannot undelete users

Vladimir Puaca
Re: HR import problem - Cannot undelete users
by Vladimir Puaca - Tuesday, 29 September 2020, 2:36 AM
Group Most Helpful Contributor 2021

Hi Craig, 

thank you for the link, was looking for it in HR import, but obviously not hard enough :)

To give some context - we delete users when people leave the company. However, we have rejoiners and in that case, we undelete users in the system. Once we revive them, courses that they completed before, remain complete (the same for programs). The same also happens when an account is deleted by mistake. 

From what I know, it is not possible to undelete users via Upload users option, although it is possible to unsuspend them. I thought that HR import can undelete users via bulk, but a sentence in the documentation got me a bit skeptical. 

Describing the meaning of values 0 and 1 in the deleted column in the CSV file, the documentation says:  

Required when only users to create, update or delete/suspend are provided, otherwise not necessary. 0 => do nothing, 1=> deleted/suspend.

Additionally, I've checked the file coming from HRIS and there are no empty cells in the deleted column. We used the 0 option to mark that an individual's account should be undeleted.  

So my question would now be: Can you confirm that it is possible to undelete users in bulk via HR import?

Thanks in advance for your reply!

