Totara Learn Open Discussions

Totara Version 13

Peter Pappas
Totara Version 13
by Peter Pappas - Monday, 5 October 2020, 1:00 AM

Hi Totara Folks,

Through our Totara Partner we requested Totara Learn Version 13 for testing and we were told it is not available. I understood it became available last week?

For a little back ground we are a self hosted customer. Our Partner provides us with updates and upgrades which we install ourselves. Our Partner simply provides the software. We maintain our system ourselves. We have not been on a partner hosted system since 2016. We do however, prefer to setup and test all upgrades on a test platform prior to deploying it to our live environment. Has something changed or did I misunderstand the announcement last week that Totara Learn Version 13 has been released?

Thank you,


Craig Eves
Re: Totara Version 13
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 5 October 2020, 3:30 PM
Group Totara

Hi Peter

Totara 13 was released on October 1 and is available to Partners for download on the subscription portal.

Have you checked with the Partner recently - there may be some other reason for not being able to provide this.



Eva Biesel
Re: Totara Version 13
by Eva Biesel - Monday, 19 October 2020, 6:35 AM

Hi Totara Support Team, 

I have been informed by our Totara Partner in the US, that they do not expect to provide the T13 release to their clients before mid 2021. The reason for this would be the complicated background structure and intensive testing of features, plug in etc. I have visited some webinars from you and other partners about T13 Upgrade and here I understood, that even if not all new features are used, the performance would be much better etc. Another Totara partner (EU) promoting the T13 Upgrade and release with webinars will start roll out next weeks.

What is the experience with your global partners and why are they providing so different information, releases time lines?

How would it be able to accelerate this process?

How can I test already the new features of T13 to get a better insight and be able to plan improvements and adaptations content wise?

Thank you. 


Craig Eves
Re: Totara Version 13
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 19 October 2020, 3:40 PM
Group Totara

Hi Eva

Totara 13 is full of exciting new features and most of our partners are scheduling upgrades with their customers as quickly as possible. It is unfortunate you are receiving different information. I will follow up by email.

Kind regards

Richard Wyles
Re: Totara Version 13
by Richard Wyles - Monday, 5 October 2020, 8:13 PM

 Hi Peter,

Your Partner isn't an Alliance Partner and that's why they can't ship the code. I was speaking with Kathie this morning and of course we'd love for you to test the code because we're very excited all the new functionality in the system. 

For a couple of reasons we've also got a small change to the overall licensing model. 

  1. Some protection on the IPR (intellectual property rights) which is essentially to do with our partnering model, not constraining the innovation potential of our customers. 
  2. Now that we have a multi-product offering on a single platform we need to ensure that on-prem customers are correctly registering the product mix they are using. 

I'll send you an email as to what we've discussed with your partner so we can deliver you the code right away. 

kind regards