Totara Learn Open Discussions

Notifications for manual enrolment

Staci Lynch
Notifications for manual enrolment
de Staci Lynch - Friday, 9 de October de 2020, 09:47


I may have brushed over this at some point but: 

Is anyone aware on if you're able to have an automatic notification sent to all users when an audience is manually enrolled onto a course? 


Craig Eves
Re: Notifications for manual enrolment
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 11 de October de 2020, 16:01
Grupo Totara

Hi Staci

There isn't a setting in the manual enrolment to add a course welcome messages .

Other options are 

  • enrol the user in a program with the course included in it and then add a program enrolment message 
  • change the enrolment method to self enrolment which supports welcome messages 
  • create a forum in the course and autosubscribe users to the forum 
  • use bulk user actions  to send a message to the audience 

The last option is probably the tidiest solution

Tracey Brighton
Re: Notifications for manual enrolment
de Tracey Brighton - Sunday, 30 de May de 2021, 19:08

This is something that is a requirement for most organisations. I think in future Totara Learn versions, the ability to establish course enrolment notifications is important.



Sarah Paisley
Re: Notifications for manual enrolment
de Sarah Paisley - Sunday, 30 de May de 2021, 19:11
Grupo Learn Site Administrator
Here here.  We definitely require the ability for users to be notified if they are enrolled via an audience into a course.  Currently this only occurs for certificatons/programs?
Re: Notifications for manual enrolment
de George Angus - Monday, 31 de May de 2021, 19:47
Grupo Totara

Hi Sarah,

This is definitely something we are working on as part of our Centralised notification library project. I couldn't give an exact date on its planned release as yet, but we are hoping for it to land in Totara 15 late this year.

