Totara Learn Open Discussions

Custom fields

Sam Lyons
Custom fields
by Sam Lyons - Thursday, 15 October 2020, 1:28 AM
Hi Everyone,

I have one course where the course creators want to capture a lot of information about the people who sign up for their seminars.

Is there a way to add custom fields to the sign up form for one particular course?

I have been able to add them at the system level but these fields aren't appropriate for other courses and so make their sign up form confusing.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Its me Rahul
Re: Custom fields
by Rahul Kumar - Thursday, 15 October 2020, 4:48 AM

Hi Sam, 

You can add the custom field for seminar sign up.

You need to go into the seminar setting at site admin level , there you can add a custom fields related with sign up.



Sam Lyons
Re: Custom fields
by Sam Lyons - Thursday, 15 October 2020, 2:54 PM
Hi Rahul,

Thanks for the reply. The site level custom fields aren’t an option for me as I don’t want them to appear on every seminar sign up, just the ones for this one course. 

Craig Eves
Re: Custom fields
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 15 October 2020, 5:18 PM
Group Totara

Hi Sam

The custom signup fields apply across site unfortunately. What you are wanting is something like this feature request TL-9157

In the meantime you could add some regular expression validation on the signup field that only people in the session would know and they could enter the information required for that session as the text will validate.

More details of regular expression validation follows

A regular expression that will be used to ensure entered text is in the expected format. For example /^[0-9]{3}$/ will ensure the text consists of exactly three numbers.

This validation is performed only when submitting forms with custom fields, current data is not affected after validation is changed.

For more information on regular expressions please refer to the PHP PCRE regular expression documentation.


Vijay Rudraraju
Re: Custom fields
by Vijay Rudraraju - Thursday, 11 August 2022, 5:53 PM

Hi Sam, 

This is great. As illustrated by the 2 images attached...

I am using an event custom field to store the name of the primary contact and I have made it compulsory ( 1 )

I also provided context using the Description of the field text ( 2 ).

However, the description of field ( A ) is not displayed to the trainers.

Also, the default error message is not descriptive ( B )

I am not familiar with regular expressions at all...

Is it possible to use regular expression validation on this custom field  - for example, if the custom field is empty ( 3 ) show a particular error message ( 4 )?

Thanks for your assistance!

Craig Eves
Re: Custom fields
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 11 August 2022, 7:38 PM
Group Totara

Hi Vijay

I tested this and the description of the field does not come up in the users interface. The Description of regular expression validation format comes up in the interface.

The error message that is displayed when the validation fails is the standard one The value you have entered for Contact does not match the required format.  

I am not sure of the validation required - this field is currently required so it won't able to be blank

The syntax of the regex are documented here and can cover most cases 


Vijay Rudraraju
Re: Custom fields
by Vijay Rudraraju - Thursday, 11 August 2022, 8:54 PM

Thanks Craig. 

Its me Rahul
Re: Custom fields
by Rahul Kumar - Wednesday, 21 October 2020, 2:44 AM

Hi Sam, 

Then I would suggest , you can try to use activity restriction for seminar in the course.

For example, create a feedback activity and put the question in feedback and make seminar activity is available after completing the feedback.



Sam Lyons
Re: Custom fields
by Sam Lyons - Friday, 23 October 2020, 3:34 AM
Thanks for the suggestions Craig and Rahul,

We ended up going with Rahul's suggestion of a feedback form leading in to the course registration.