Totara Learn Open Discussions

Seminars showing on ROL

Lyn Williams
Seminars showing on ROL
על ידי Lyn Williams בתאריך 29/11/2020, 18:22

Kia ora Koutou,

We have a regular seminar event that staff can opt into as part of their Cultural Supervision.

We currently have this set up as a seminar with session dates underneath.

However if staff attend multiple sessions it only shows once on their record of learning, staff are wanting all the sessions recorded as it counts as part of their professional development.

Any thought or ideas how we can resolve this?


Re: Seminars showing on ROL
על ידי George Angus בתאריך 29/11/2020, 19:09
קבוצה Totara

Hi Lyn,

The user's RoL will show Course completions, and doesn't go down to the session level. I think the most efficient way to record what they did in your case would be to split out the different sessions into courses, or have a more detailed course description.

Which version are you using?



Lyn Williams
Re: Seminars showing on ROL
על ידי Lyn Williams בתאריך 30/11/2020, 10:35

Thanks George,

We are on version 12, hoping to upgrade early in the new year to version 13.

So sperate seminars for each month?



Larry Mitipelo
Re: Seminars showing on ROL
על ידי Larry Mitipelo בתאריך 30/11/2020, 14:39
קבוצה Most Helpful Contributor 2021קבוצה Most Helpful Contributor 2022קבוצה Most helpful contributor 2023

Kia ora Lyn,

Maybe you could create a report that shows them their attendance?

It's not on their ROL but you could get it show on a dashboard if they have one or as a report they have access too.

Ngā mihi


Lyn Williams
Re: Seminars showing on ROL
על ידי Lyn Williams בתאריך 30/11/2020, 15:47

Thanks Larry,

Not sure this would work for us as they occasionally need to submit their Record of Learning as evidence to their Professional body.

But thank you for the suggestion.

