Totara Learn Open Discussions

Unenrol user enrolled through dynamic audience

Clive Massyn
Unenrol user enrolled through dynamic audience
par Clive Massyn, Wednesday 2 December 2020, 16:53

Hi guys,

Me again :(

If a course was setup with a 'people leaders' audience enrollment but now someone that is a people leader (for whatever reason) needs to be excluded from a course/seminar enrollment. Would a new audience need to be created e.g. is a people leader and not in 'exceptions audience' and manually add the person to the exceptions audience, and then change the course page enrollment audience? I can't seem to unenrol them using the red x. If I change the audience enrollment would that affect the completion records of the other learners already on the course?



Craig Eves
Re: Unenrol user enrolled through dynamic audience
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Wednesday 2 December 2020, 18:21
Groupe Totara

Hi Clive

Yes that sounds the right way to unassign a user from a dynamic audience by adding the excepted user to another audience and including 'Is a member of exception audience' as a rule in the enrolling audience.

The completion records of those that aren't unenrolled by the audience would not be affected by this change.

Also note that what happens when a users is unenrolled through an audience depends on the External unenrol actions


Clive Massyn
Re: Unenrol user enrolled through dynamic audience
par Clive Massyn, Thursday 3 December 2020, 09:24

Awesome, thanks Craig!