Totara Learn Open Discussions

learning plan notifications prevent from being submitted to manager

Van BormWim
learning plan notifications prevent from being submitted to manager
Van BormWim 发表于 2020年12月22日 Tuesday 07:32
小组 Partners小组 TXP Site Administrator小组 V18 Program Complete


We would like to to prevent that the manager receives an e-mail notification from within the learning plan when the user add, completes or makes any change to the plan. 

We have a user driven learning plan in which only programs are activated.

On messaging output level we have turned off all e-mail communication.However the managers still receive e-mails when a user is making changes or completes a learning plan.

We are using a Totara 12 instance.

Can you tell us how to prevent these mails from being send to the managers.

thank you.

Re: learning plan notifications prevent from being submitted to manager
AngusGeorge 发表于 2020年12月22日 Tuesday 17:01
小组 Totara

Hi Wim,

The messaging functionality is an intrinsic part of Learning Plans - its not designed to be switched off & the problem with closing down all the messaging is it also affects other parts of the system where it might be needed.

Perhaps a better alternative would be to use Dynamic audiences instead of Learning Plans? Is this possible for you?



Van BormWim
Re: learning plan notifications prevent from being submitted to manager
Van BormWim 发表于 2020年12月23日 Wednesday 00:28
小组 Partners小组 TXP Site Administrator小组 V18 Program Complete

Hello George,

Thank you for your reply. That's what I was already afraid of. 

We are fully aware that closing down all the messaging is affecting a lot of communication within various parts of the system. However this is a specific request from a customer and this is also why the customer is requesting to turn off the notifications being send to the manager from within the learning plans. 

Switching to a dynamic audience instead of a learning plan is not really an option for this customer. :(

any other ideas are more than welcome.

kind regards,


Re: learning plan notifications prevent from being submitted to manager
AngusGeorge 发表于 2021年01月10日 Sunday 19:12
小组 Totara
Hi Wim,

There's no way around this currently in Totara, without customising the code. We are scoping out a new Centralised Messaging Library with a view to enabling more effecting management of messaging site-wide & I've brought this thread to the attention of my colleague who is managing the project. 

Unfortunately in the short term there's not a great deal we can do, the functionality you need isn't there, possibly the only effective workaround would be to use some kind of content filter in the email server.

