Totara Learn Open Discussions

Bulk activity completion

Bulk activity completion
JacobsBrooke 发表于 2021年02月3日 Wednesday 17:23
小组 Partners小组 TXP Site Administrator小组 V18 Program Complete

Hi everyone,

Trying to find the best way to do a bulk completion for activities inside courses. 

Users need to be marked off as complete for activities (not the course) through out the year. The activities will be quizzes, assignments, forums etc. the option I am looking for is uploading some kind of CSV with activity completion dates. 

I have been trying to find a way to do this within Totara 12, but haven't found an option yet.

Any advice? 

Craig Eves
Re: Bulk activity completion
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2021年02月4日 Thursday 15:38
小组 Totara

Hi Brooke

There isn't a feature that allows the uploading of activity completion so this would need to be a manual process.

This can be done through awarding RPL for each activity. The date of the RPL will be the date you added this

By using the course completion editor with the Criteria and activities tab and changing the activity records. This will allow you to include the time of completion of the activity.

Note that activities can have activity completion conditions so changing the activity record  with the editor may result in a conflict.

I had a look to see if there is a feature request for this and can't see one.


Re: Bulk activity completion
DoranLibby 发表于 2023年07月31日 Monday 16:07

Hello Brooke, a few years on, did you manage to find a solution ? I am after the same thing