Totara Learn Open Discussions

Updating dropdown list of Department & Insititution

Adam Goldstein
Updating dropdown list of Department & Insititution
על ידי Adam Goldstein בתאריך 4/02/2021, 12:16


I am having trouble finding a way to add organizations to these dropdown lists. When a new organization joins our system, I need to add them to these dropdowns in the user profile creation page to allow new users to select which department/institution they are associated with.

I do know that there is a report/search feature to find users by organization, and I presume when a user selects drop the dropdown here they are also able to be found using that report. However, adding an organization to these lists isn't yet clear to me.

Dropdown list of Department and Institution

Your guidance is appreciated.



Re: Updating dropdown list of Department & Insititution
על ידי George Angus בתאריך 4/02/2021, 14:50
קבוצה Totara

Hi Adam,

Organisations should be added automatically to the drop-down when you create a new org. as here:

You can add a new org. by navigating to here:

YOUR TOTARA/Site administration/Organisations/Manage organisations/your organisation framework

Let us know if anything is unclear, or it doesnt work.

