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Reports with Two Data Sources

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Boshra Zawawi
Reports with Two Data Sources
بواسطة Saturday, 20 February 2021, 6:59 AM - Boshra Zawawi


Is it possible in Totara 13 to create a user report with two data sources (e.g., course completion and competency status)? 

Please let me know, 

Thank you, 

Tom Ireland
Re: Reports with Two Data Sources
بواسطة Monday, 22 February 2021, 4:47 AM - Tom Ireland

Hi, Boshra.

Thanks for getting in touch.

It's not possible to create a report based on two (or more) report sources. It may be possible for this to be done by creating a custom report source dependant on your requirements and I would encourage you to reach out to your Totara Partner for further support.



Boshra Zawawi
Re: Reports with Two Data Sources
بواسطة Monday, 22 February 2021, 9:52 AM - Boshra Zawawi

Thank you, Tom!