Totara Learn Open Discussions

Problematic SCORM

Macaulay Trenchard
Re: Problematic SCORM
door Macaulay Trenchard - Monday, 14 June 2021, 10:56 AM

Hi there,

Was a solution to the issue ever found? I believe we're experiencing a similar issue at the moment and are struggling to identify why. The vast majority of users data is being tracked correctly. However, a small number of individuals are completing the course and nothing is being submitted to Totara.

The course went through testing on both Totara, and SCORM Cloud - because the issue happens so rarely, it's hard to replicate and find the source of the problem.

Out of interest, do you know which tool it was created in? Our course was built using Evolve Authoring.

FYI, I'm asking specifically about if the tracking issue was resolved, not the ability to reset the assessment. The assessment not resetting sounds like it might be saving data to the learners browser or device, which is being picked up when they relaunch. Disabling this functionality should fix this.
