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Managers can enroll learners in course reporting to them only

Managers can enroll learners in course reporting to them only
iqbalhasfirul 发表于 2021年03月11日 Thursday 00:45


In our client site, the managers are allowed to enroll users to courses.
Currently, the managers can enroll anyone in the company.
Client want to restrict to those reporting to them (and 2/3/4 tiers below them).
Is it possible to do this?


Re: Managers can enroll learners in course reporting to them only
AngusGeorge 发表于 2021年03月14日 Sunday 19:29
小组 Totara

Hi Hasfirul,

There's some guidance here:

You have to make sure the 2/3/4 tier have the Staff manager directly assigned, you could probably do this easily using dynamic audiences.

Basically you would have to use an edited staff manager role, and ensure the users were directly assigned to it. 

Or you could use the Multitenancy functionality in t13.

Hope this is useful - let us know if you have any further queries,


Re: Managers can enroll learners in course reporting to them only
GottfriedStefan 发表于 2021年06月1日 Tuesday 04:27
That's a great question and answer! My follow-up question is: Is it possible for staff managers to assign their directly assigned staff members to courses (not only seminars)?
Re: Managers can enroll learners in course reporting to them only
AngusGeorge 发表于 2021年06月1日 Tuesday 18:29
小组 Totara

Hi Stefan,

This can be done as above, but you have to arrange things so that the Staff manager has the correct capabilities with respect to the course. & their staff.

