Totara Learn Open Discussions

Rubric Grading

Ian Fletcher
Rubric Grading
de Ian Fletcher - Friday, 19 de March de 2021, 13:53


Are rubrics only available with the "Assignment" activity?  Or can they be applied to an "Essay" assignment?  When I access the Essay activity the Grading method doesn't allow for the rubric selection.



Craig Eves
Re: Rubric Grading
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 21 de March de 2021, 15:14
Grupo Totara

Hi Ian 

That is right the advanced grading method  'Rubric' is only available for the Assignment activity. 

Can you make the Essay an Assignment as both require text type answers.


Ian Fletcher
Re: Rubric Grading
de Ian Fletcher - Monday, 22 de March de 2021, 10:36

Hi Craig,

Thanks for the confirm.  I was able to confirm that I can carry over the Essay question as an Assignment, assign the rubric and allow for a text answer.
