Totara Learn Open Discussions

module for qualification and ext certification

vijay Nanduri
module for qualification and ext certification
by vijay Nanduri - Sunday, 11 April 2021, 7:42 AM


Any suggestions on best practice for recording qualifications and certifications (external). We have about 1000 records currently and i anticipte more entries in the years to come. should i use evidence bank or create each quals as course and linked to certicicate module?

WHihc will have the ability to alert expiry, upload personal certificate and certificate ref no? I thought of using Evidence Bank, but i am unable to do bulk upload and create reports 

Craig Eves
Re: module for qualification and ext certification
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 11 April 2021, 8:20 PM
Group Totara

hi Vijay

There are plans to add the bulk uploading of evidence in the medium term in Totara.

If you can wait this long then this would be the best option.


vijay Nanduri
Re: module for qualification and ext certification
by vijay Nanduri - Monday, 12 April 2021, 3:07 AM

thanks Craig, I will look forward for some good news.