Totara Learn Open Discussions

Updating question wording in a question bank

Clive Massyn
Updating question wording in a question bank
MassynClive 发表于 2021年04月20日 Tuesday 21:34

Hi guys, 

I have read in the forum that when it comes to updating the questions in a question bank for a live course you need to 'archive' the exisiting questions and add another quiz activity with the new questions e.g. if you add more questions to the quiz. 

1. What about the situation where you just amend the wording in a question without adding more questions etc - is it still recommended that you create a new quiz activity?

2. What about a quiz activity that is on a course page that happens to be part of a certification (completion criteria for the course page requires a an eLearning module and the quiz to be completed). What would be the best way to update the quiz activity? If we add a new quiz activity to the course page we would need to unlock the completion criteria and include the new quiz activity but then how do we complete the course completion part of the page? We would need the learner to complete the eLearning module AND (archived quiz activity OR new quiz activity) so as to not have everyone that has already completed the course suddenly no longer certified? 

Is it possible to setup the course completion in this way or what else has anyone done in a situation like this?



Re: Updating question wording in a question bank
PappasPeter 发表于 2021年04月21日 Wednesday 03:45

Hi Clive,

Using Categories within the Question Bank you can create an archive category and move questions from the existing category within the bank to the new archive category. this should work as long as the category is not included in the drop down in your quiz module.

We do this regularly to update quiz questions and answers that might change because of reference changes.

This retains the questions and the integrity of the quiz module while allowing you to update your question bank.


Clive Massyn
Re: Updating question wording in a question bank
MassynClive 发表于 2021年04月25日 Sunday 21:51
Hi Peter, 

Thanks for the input! On our current course page we have a sco activity that needs to be completed too, so that makes it a bit tricky. I see we can't edit a quiz that has been attempted so if the course completion only required the quiz activity to be completed then I can see that we could archive questions, add a new quiz activity (hide the old one) and update the course completion to be any one of the quiz activities must be completed.

Have you had a situation where the course completion criteria included a 3rd element e.g. sco and then either old quiz or new quiz?

