Totara Learn Open Discussions

T12 issue with a program

Laurent Virgos
T12 issue with a program
par Laurent Virgos, Tuesday 4 May 2021, 02:37


I've got a strange issue with a program

This program is already used by a learner without any problem

An audience is assigned to this program and the program is on.

I added one person in the affected audience to this program. This person is enrolled on every courses listed in the program and it can access to these enrolled courses individually but using the programit cannot access any course: the button at the right of the course name is grey. The learner is unable to click on it, but it can access the course using the catalog.

What could be the problem with the program?

Thank you

p.s.: I've made a lot of programs and I don't understand this issue...still finding....

Laurent Virgos
Re: T12 issue with a program
par Laurent Virgos, Tuesday 4 May 2021, 04:44

(auto) resolved by checking exception report