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Graphical report for certification completion status based on the Red-amber-green status column

Brendan Kilshaw
Graphical report for certification completion status based on the Red-amber-green status column
by Brendan Kilshaw - Wednesday, 12 May 2021, 9:10 AM


We use the 'Red-amber-green status' column in reports to indicate current certification completion status to staff and would like to create a pie chart graphical report which does the same. When we follow the guide here: and substitute the 'Status' column for a 'Red-amber-green status' column it doesn't seem to like it. Are we doing something wrong? Does anyone have an example of where they have successfully used the 'Red-amber-green status' column in a graphical report?

Thanks in advance

Georgina Christodoulou
Re: Graphical report for certification completion status based on the Red-amber-green status column
by Georgina Christodoulou - Wednesday, 12 May 2021, 6:20 PM
Group PartnersGroup TXP Site Administrator

Hi Brendan,

I've experienced the same thing. From what I understand it's because that column is based on the dates and not on the RAB colour.

So you essentially get a slice of pie for each date instead of a slice of pie for "colour".

The other option would be to use the status but it won't provide the simplicity of the RAB as the statuses won't aggregate the options in the same way the RAB does (ie expired + overdue etc)

Might be worth creating a Feature Request.



Brendan Kilshaw
Re: Graphical report for certification completion status based on the Red-amber-green status column
by Brendan Kilshaw - Friday, 14 May 2021, 3:13 AM

Hi Georgina,

Thank you, yes that makes sense and reflects what we are seeing in the graphic. Good to know we weren't necessarily doing anything wrong.

I'll explore it with our partner and put in a feature request.

Best regards,


Craig Eves
Re: Graphical report for certification completion status based on the Red-amber-green status column
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 16 May 2021, 3:50 PM
Group Totara

Hi Brendan

There is a Feature request TL-29846 Add a graphable red-amber-green column that can be properly used with aggregation that has been created that is being prioritised so no need to create a ticket for this.


Brendan Kilshaw
Re: Graphical report for certification completion status based on the Red-amber-green status column
by Brendan Kilshaw - Thursday, 3 June 2021, 7:22 AM

Hi Craig,

Thanks, sorry I only just saw your reply. It's good to hear there is already a request in place. Is there somewhere I can see the status or add my +1 ? I can't seem to find TL-29846 in the forums.



Craig Eves
Re: Graphical report for certification completion status based on the Red-amber-green status column
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 3 June 2021, 4:47 PM
Group Totara

Hi Brendan

This ticket doesn't have a forum discussion included - I have linked this discussion to the feature request.


David Balch
Re: Graphical report for certification completion status based on the Red-amber-green status column
by David Balch - Friday, 17 September 2021, 9:26 AM

Hi Craig,

I'm new to Totara, and am trying to see what the status of this feature request is.

I can see TL-29846 marked as an Idea, with values for Summary, Components, and dates. Am I seeing all the details available? Or is there some design/development info that I can't access?

Best wishes,

Craig Eves
Re: Graphical report for certification completion status based on the Red-amber-green status column
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 19 September 2021, 2:50 PM
Group Totara

Hi Dave

This is all of the information fields that Partners have access to. 

This ticket is still showing as Open which means development hasn't been started and the Priority has been assessed as Minor 


David Balch
Re: Graphical report for certification completion status based on the Red-amber-green status column
by David Balch - Monday, 20 September 2021, 1:22 AM

Hi Craig,

Ok, thanks for the info.

Best wishes,

David Balch
Re: Graphical report for certification completion status based on the Red-amber-green status column
by David Balch - Tuesday, 21 September 2021, 2:32 AM

Hi again Craig,

I have an implementation for this feature in T13/TXP is the best approach to contributing it? some of the links no longer work. 

Best wishes,

Craig Eves
Re: Graphical report for certification completion status based on the Red-amber-green status column
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 21 September 2021, 3:25 PM
Group Totara

Hi Dave

I will get the links updated in this document.

I think you are already up to Step 5 Code Review by Totara - this is a new report builder source so should follow the existing report builder coding guidelines.

Are you able to create a helpdesk ticket with your contribution and we will provide feedback.
