Totara Learn Open Discussions

Messaging / notifications questions

Andy Heath
Messaging / notifications questions
by Andy Heath - Tuesday, 25 May 2021, 3:30 AM

Hi everyone!

We're taking the plunge and migrating to Totara 13 in a month's time. Yay!

I've managed to get access to a sandbox - Version 13.6 (Build: 20210324.00)

I have a few questions about the messaging / notifications icons and their underlying systems.

menu options

We've always had the messaging turned off.

If I check the Enable messaging system and then suppress the ability to send Personal messages (Default message outputs):

no personal messages

As a regular learner then logging in, I click on the envelope and I still see the New message option:

new message

It doesn't work as it eventually throws an error - however, it does allow me to look through all of the non-contact users on the site.


1) Can the New message option be suppressed? (seeing I've disabled the ability to send)

2) What is the difference between a message and a notification? Is there a good help page which will explain what will appear as a message and what as a notification?

3) I would like overdue certifications to be flagged to the user - would these display in the messages or notifications?
(we have these messages currently emailed out to users).

Thanks in advance of any help offered.


Andy (London)

Craig Eves
Re: Messaging / notifications questions
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 25 May 2021, 7:04 PM
Group Totara

Hi Andy

It is best to leave messaging turned on because turning this off also turns off Totara Alerts and Task notifications.

I tried turning on messaging and then disabling personal messaging and clicking on the Message icon and there was no error message in 13.7 - are you able to create a ticket for the Helpdesk with reproduction steps.

  1. The message interface is still showing as this feature is still enabled - - I can't see a way of not displaying this. 
  2. A message is a personal messages between users using the internal messaging system whereas a notification is generated from an event in Totara 
  3. There is a list of notifications  sent by Totara here.

Also note that Totara 13 includes messaging extensions for Microsoft teams and Totara 14 has provided more control over program and certification notifications 


Andy Heath
Re: Messaging / notifications questions
by Andy Heath - Wednesday, 26 May 2021, 4:26 AM

Awesome. Thanks so much for the reply. 

Really appreciated.

