Totara Learn Open Discussions

Requesting Feedback

Requesting Feedback
DullerShannon 发表于 2021年06月4日 Friday 07:13

Hi all, 

How does everyone collect feedback within their LMS? 

We are exploring the option of requesting feedback from new starters on their onboarding/ online induction. However when using a program, I'm not sure what the best way would be to do this? Unless I create a course page for the feedback and add it to the program..?

Any options are more than welcome. 



Re: Requesting Feedback
BlakeSue 发表于 2021年06月7日 Monday 00:23
小组 Good learner 2023小组 Most Helpful Contributor 2022小组 Most helpful contributor 2023小组 TXP Site Administrator小组 V18 Program Complete

Hi Shannon, 

Not sure how you've set up the onboarding induction but can you add feedback as an activity on the onboarding page and restrict access to when it is completed?

We use this function a lot.


Re: Requesting Feedback
AshJordan 发表于 2021年06月7日 Monday 02:07
小组 Totara小组 TXP Site Administrator

We collect program feedback in the Totara Academy using a separate course page. Users in the program are automatically enrolled into the course using a dynamic audience. We then have a link to this feedback on our program dashboard.

One of the best ways to do this, is to create a single activity course using a feedback activity and include it in an optional set at the end of your program.