Totara Learn Open Discussions

Awarding of a second course after completing another course

Christopher Clewlow
Awarding of a second course after completing another course
von Christopher Clewlow – Monday, 7 June 2021, 12:47 AM

We have a course (Mentor to Assessor) that if completed, we want it to award a second course (Practice Assessor). Is there a way within Totara to get this to do it automatically. At the moment we are having to take the completion report of the main course and then do a completion upload to the second course.

I can not combine them to the same course as the department do not want this.


David Thorp
Re: Awarding of a second course after completing another course
von David Thorp – Monday, 7 June 2021, 11:44 PM
Gruppe Learn Site Administrator

Did you have a try with making an audience that has a dynamic rule based on completion for the first set. Then use that Audience as an enrollment for the second course?

You may have tried it already but that what comes to mind when i read your issue.



Jon Evans
Re: Awarding of a second course after completing another course
von Jon Evans – Tuesday, 8 June 2021, 1:18 AM
Gruppe Partners

Hi Christopher

If you want to set another course as complete based on the completion of your first course, then you can use the Course completion condition: Completion of other courses. This allows you to auto-complete the 2nd course when the learner completes the first one.



Christopher Clewlow
Re: Awarding of a second course after completing another course
von Christopher Clewlow – Tuesday, 8 June 2021, 2:50 AM


I will try this on our sandbox site, I am not sure this will work? I understood this criteria to be that if I required another course to be completed in order to award completion and not an option to award another course?

I hope it works will make life easier!
