Totara Learn Open Discussions

Link catalogue item to dashboard

Anissa Mathieson
Link catalogue item to dashboard
بواسطة Wednesday, 16 June 2021, 4:22 PM - Anissa Mathieson

In Totara Community site under the Learn>Course catalogue menu i can select a program and I am directed to a custom dashboard for that program. I would like to know how this was configured and if its possible in Totara 12.

Jordan Ash
Re: Link catalogue item to dashboard
بواسطة Friday, 18 June 2021, 1:52 AM - Jordan Ash
مجموعة Totaraمجموعة TXP Site Administrator

Hi Anissa,

The course you see in the catalogue is a single activity course, with the activity set as a URL link to a dashboard.

The dashboard contains a number of featured links blocks and tiles which link off to the individual courses in the program.

It is possible for you to build this in a Totara 12 site.

Anissa Mathieson
Re: Link catalogue item to dashboard
بواسطة Sunday, 20 June 2021, 12:06 AM - Anissa Mathieson

Excellent, thank you Jordan i have been able to reproduce the config. My client will love it 🙂