Totara Learn Open Discussions

Totara 12 Sandbox

Anissa Mathieson
Totara 12 Sandbox
par Anissa Mathieson, Sunday 4 July 2021, 23:04

Is this site still available? I cant reach it at:

Rachel Griffith-Boyes
Re: Totara 12 Sandbox
par Rachel Griffith-Boyes, Monday 5 July 2021, 01:57
Groupe Totara

Hi Anissa,

Thanks for your question. We're no longer offering open access sandboxes via the Academy as many of our users have access to their own sites or sandboxes, and because we offer such a wide range of system simulations via our courses. We can consider individual sandbox requests in some circumstances - do drop us an email on if you'd like to discuss more.

Many thanks
