Totara Learn Open Discussions

Hide course page in catalogue but still accessible to learner

Clive Massyn
Hide course page in catalogue but still accessible to learner
by Clive Massyn - Monday, 9 August 2021, 7:46 PM

Hi team, 

We are planning on rolling out quite a lot of training and ideally it would be good to setup a course page that has links to the various course pages that we need to setup. Ideally it would be good to have this 'main' course page appear in the catalog and then the learners can use the links on this page to get to the other course pages without cluttering the catalogue view? We will have a lot of courses that are compulsory for particular departments so this would help simplify the learner journey. 

Is a program the only way to help make the learner journey clearer? Any handy setup ideas for this kind of situation would be amazing.


Craig Eves
Re: Hide course page in catalogue but still accessible to learner
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 15 August 2021, 7:09 PM
Group Totara

Hi Clive

Another alternative is to use Audience based visibility so course are only visible to the specified audience.

An audience rule could be created that only included users that have passed a course and another course could have audience based visibility based on being a member of this audience.

An audience could also be created for departments so courses are only visible to the department.

This might be time consuming to setup depending on how many hidden course you need.
