Totara Learn Open Discussions

Activity completion is not updating but only for one user

Andrei Bohoru
Activity completion is not updating but only for one user
von Andrei Bohoru – Friday, 20 August 2021, 6:41 AM
Gruppe PartnersGruppe TXP Site Administrator


I have this problem with an user that, although is completing a course activity, this does not recorded in the course status and he cannot go forward to the next activity in the program.

The platform is Totara 11 and the activity is very simple, just a SCORM activity with no other requests than to complete it.

How I tested

  • I logged in that user's account myself and I completed the activity but the result was the same, completion was not recorded. User's role is simple learner.
  • I checked the course completion report and there was an user that finalized it 17 hours ago.
  • I've done one more thing to prove that the course is working fine (is an old course we created for this client in 2016 and it was fine since): I created an user on the client platform so I can have all the original conditions for testing, with only learner role assigned. From this account I started the same activity, completed it and this time progress was recorded, activity was marked as complete and I could go to the next one.
  • Backed up the course on client's platform and restored it on our Totara 11 Demo instance. Completed the activity and the progress was recorded successfully.

After all this tests my conclusion is that this strange behavior affects only this particular user and platform and course are working as supposed to.

Any idea what could be the explanation and how can I fix this issue?



Craig Eves
Re: Activity completion is not updating but only for one user
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Sunday, 22 August 2021, 8:00 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Andrei

Thanks for describing the testing you have completed.

Are you able to confirm if you are using the same Browser for both users and what browser version was being used?

It sounds like the SCORM may be reaching a limit (around 4096 characters) of data being stored to keep track of data between user sessions  so the user can resume where they left off in the same attempt in the SCORM.

If you look at the track data fro the attempt is there a lot of data showing under cmi.suspend-data

If this looks Ok then are you able to create a ticket on the Helpdesk with a copy of the SCORM and settings used so we can look at in more detail?


Andrei Bohoru
Re: Activity completion is not updating but only for one user
von Andrei Bohoru – Monday, 23 August 2021, 5:16 AM
Gruppe PartnersGruppe TXP Site Administrator

Thank you for your answer Craig, but, fortunately, I maage to find the problem.

When I've done all those tests on Friday I forgot to check the SCORM file itself, I was sure that working fine for such a long time (around 800 learners completed that course since it's in program) there could not be any problem with it. But you mentioning the SCORM opened my eyes.

The problem was with the setting in the scormdriver.js


Probably at his first attempt the learner did not get the score for one of the SCORM questions at some point or did any other mistake but, because only the first time you finished the course was taken into consideration, no matter how many times he tried after, the course kept only the records made first time and showed the course as incomplete.

After correcting the variables and replacing the old SCORM with the modified one in the course, the next time I tested it on the learner account the new values obtained at the end were recorded and course showed completed.

