Totara Learn Open Discussions

Certification for external training

Troy Scott
Certification for external training
von Troy Scott – Monday, 23 August 2021, 10:45 PM

Hi - I am trying to figure out how I can have a certification against an external training requirement so that the students and the traing administartor are notified when that training is coming due.

We have a requirement to send staff to external training providers to complete First Aid (every 3 yrs) and CPR training (every 12 months). How can I set this certification up in Totara if there is not a course linked so that the student and the training administrator are notified so the training can be booked in?



Craig Eves
Re: Certification for external training
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Monday, 6 September 2021, 6:21 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Troy

One option is to use RPL to mark a course complete in the Certification .

Users with the permission 'Mark a course in a program complete via a user's required learning' or 'Mark staff course as complete ' permission allowed will be able to do this through the users's Record of Learning

Any program due notifications set up will be sent out at the required time.

Note that the Certification courses are required to have the same frequency for completion as the courses will be reset when it has expired. Having one course  completed every 12 months and one course every three years will require two different certifications


vijay Nanduri
Re: Certification for external training
von vijay Nanduri – Wednesday, 8 September 2021, 1:10 AM

Craig, I have a similar requirement where we would like to track forklift, high risk licenses etcs. If we use the above method, how do we upload evidence or copy of license for evidence/audit purpose?

Troy Scott
Re: Certification for external training
von Troy Scott – Wednesday, 8 September 2021, 8:08 PM

I Note that T14 has the ability

For older versions I think I have a work around.

Create a new course - First Aid

Add an Activity - Assignment

Set the parameters for the student to uplaod "File Submissions"

Set "notify Graders"

Set Grade to 1

Activity completion will be "Studnet Requires Grade"

Enroll the student into the course

They will upload their First Aid certificate

The trainer will receive notification that they have

Trainer will go in and mark 'assignment"

Hopefully that will reset when the certification is due every 3 years.

vijay Nanduri
Re: Certification for external training
von vijay Nanduri – Sunday, 12 September 2021, 9:06 PM

thank you Troy, i will look into it.