Totara Learn Open Discussions

Seminar Question

Seminar Question
ReynoldsThomas 发表于 2021年09月7日 Tuesday 06:27

I have had some challenges with seminars.  In most cases manually enrolling someone in the seminar solves the issue.  Today I was looking into an issue and when I am logged in as the end user there is no option for them to sign up for the seminar.  I get this message at when I click on more info.  Existing sign-up(s) for this seminar, are not in the required attendance state(s).  I'm not sure where to go in correcting this issue so the end user can sign up for the seminar.

Re: Seminar Question
HarrisNathan 发表于 2021年09月7日 Tuesday 18:14

Hi Thomas,

Check what state the user is for that seminar and compare to the seminar settings i.e. are they booked for another date and you have set the seminar to allow only one booking.



Re: Seminar Question
ReynoldsThomas 发表于 2021年09月15日 Wednesday 10:48
Thanks for the direction.  The user was signed up for a seminar months ago.  It took a little while to find.