Totara Learn Open Discussions

Course Creation Planning

Rachael Poole
Course Creation Planning
door Rachael Poole - Monday, 13 September 2021, 19:35 PM

Kia Ora,  Just starting with course creation and wanted to know what tools other course creators use to manage timelines for courses they create? (hoping this is OK to ask here)

Rachel Griffith-Boyes
Re: Course Creation Planning
door Rachel Griffith-Boyes - Wednesday, 15 September 2021, 06:36 AM
Groep Totara

Kia Ora Rachael. I think this is a really interesting question, thanks for posting it. Are you thinking specifically about software to manage your course creation process? 

Here in the Totara Academy team, we use a combination of tools. We manage our course development process using a Kanban board (for example using a tool like JIRA or Trello), where each activity in the course has it's own ticket and workflow. It moves between team members and stages of the workflow so we can see where each activity is (and therefore when the course will be ready). We combine this with a schedule (I've used various tools with gantt charts and things in the past, but these days I just use a spreadsheet!) which we use to manage what everyone will do each day. Between the two of them, we know when a course will be ready for release. 

I'd be interested to know what other Course Creators are doing too!