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Grades are now being re-aggregated due to the additional activity

Clive Massyn
Grades are now being re-aggregated due to the additional activity
di Clive Massyn - Monday, 27 September 2021, 18:37
This message has started coming up these days "Grades are now being re-aggregated due to the additional activity" - not sure what it means? I haven't added any grade to the page, but if I add a scorm activity etc I get this message at the top of the page.  
Craig Eves
Re: Grades are now being re-aggregated due to the additional activity
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 27 September 2021, 20:09
Gruppo Totara

Hi Clive

Grade aggregation means the way the final course grade is calculated.

There are various aggregation methods that can be used which use the activity grades and other weightings. 

If you add a SCORM activity this can have a grade passed to Totara which may need to be included in the course grade calculation which is what the message 'Grades are now being re-aggregated due to the additional activity' is saying


Clive Massyn
Re: Grades are now being re-aggregated due to the additional activity
di Clive Massyn - Monday, 27 September 2021, 20:23
Thanks Craig, I have only started noticing this now - do you think its something that may have been changed system wide? The scorm activity added literally just requires the user to view the scorm and when they click finish it will mark as completed?
Austen Sinclair
Re: Grades are now being re-aggregated due to the additional activity
di Austen Sinclair - Tuesday, 28 September 2021, 18:23
Gruppo PartnersGruppo TXP Site AdministratorGruppo V18 Program Complete

Hi Clive & Craig,

Today we also had a client with exactly the same issue - "Grades are now being re-aggregated due to the additional activity." Their course page had a number of H5P activities (and no SCORMs) which pass grades to the gradebook.  However, they don't look at the gradebook as activity completion is sent via the H5P activity, and is then used to determine Course Completion.

The client advises they haven't touched anything in the page. Client didn't advance to a more detailed investigation, so no further info sorry. They are on They are on v12.35.


Tom Wood
Re: Grades are now being re-aggregated due to the additional activity
di Tom Wood - Thursday, 30 September 2021, 00:59
Gruppo Totara

Hi All,

This change in behaviour is a result of a recent fix added in 12.35, 13.12 and 14.4.


Prior to this patch, when a course had a large number of enrolled users and associated grade records, it would take a long time to add a course module that has grading enabled. This was due to the re-grading of final grades occurring immediately when a new course module was added.

With this patch, a new adhoc task is introduced which defers the re-grading functionality into cron. The re-grading task will be deferred to cron, every time when a new course module (activity) that enable grading functionality was added to the course. A course creator, or site administrator will be able to see the notification banner when viewing the course that has the re-grading cron task pending. When the cron runs and all the grade records get processed, the notification banner will not appear again.

If you have any questions about this please let us know.



Francis Devine
Re: Grades are now being re-aggregated due to the additional activity
di Francis Devine - Tuesday, 26 October 2021, 20:34
Gruppo Partners
Sorry to revive an rather old thread, but a client queried this today and I had a dig around and it seems on sites that have been around quite a while, there can be a rather large number of grade items that marked as needing regrading but have been stuck in that state for a long time (i've seen some from 2016).

This leads to the notification popping up on courses as they pass the check for needing regrading, but unless you modify the grades or activities in the course to actually trigger a task to recalculate the grade items for the course, the notification will never clear.

It might be a good idea to have a catch up cron task that cleans up any grade items needing regrading like this.

Edit: seems just viewing the grader report is enough to trigger them to recalculate straight away fyi, so maybe not worth having a catch up task after all

Nikola Bogosavljevic
Re: Grades are now being re-aggregated due to the additional activity
di Nikola Bogosavljevic - Thursday, 10 February 2022, 07:21

Hi Tom, 

Is it possible to turn this banner off?

Thank you! 
