Totara Learn Open Discussions

Badges after Rise course completion

Paula Americo
Badges after Rise course completion
by Paula Americo - Thursday, 10 February 2022, 6:51 AM

Good morning! I am currently using a SCORM package to upload courses I created in Rise. My question is, how can I be sure my users will receive the badges I created in Totara, if the work is done in Rise? Thank you!

Jordan Ash
Re: Badges after Rise course completion
by Jordan Ash - Thursday, 10 February 2022, 7:39 AM
Group TotaraGroup TXP Site Administrator

Hi Paula,

Once you have uploaded your SCORM package to a course page you can award a badge by doing the following:

1. Go to badges in your course administration block.

2. Fill in the badge details and upload an image.

3. Click create badge and go to the criteria tab.

4. On this tab you can award a badge based on activity completion and course completion.

5. If you want to have a separate badge for multiple activities in your course then use the Activity Completion criteria.

5. If this is the only activity in the course you need users to complete, then you can use course completion as the criteria; then add the SCORM package to the course completion criteria (You can find this under course completion in the course administration block).

You can find out more about uploading badges in our Badges course. You can also check out our SCORM course if you are having trouble tracking completion of your SCORM activity.

Paula Americo
Re: Badges after Rise course completion
by Paula Americo - Thursday, 10 February 2022, 8:02 AM

Thank you very much!