Totara Learn Open Discussions

Totara knowledge training needs analysis to support multiple internal teams

Totara knowledge training needs analysis to support multiple internal teams
SweeneyPaul 发表于 2021年09月30日 Thursday 08:53

Hi all,

I work in a product manager role for our totara platform. We have multiple teams working on development, delivery, reporting and support for a large user base. How do I support the internal teams in analysising their needs and mapping these to training requirements?

Each team requires a specific type of Totara knowledge of one or several aspects of the overall capability as per their different roles (course building / seminar building / event management / reporting  etc)

My thoughts to date:

- Use the latest version of the T14 help as a knowledge base. (I have a version I can share)

- Carry out a TNA according to multiple role types where each knowledge area (approx 300 separate sub areas) is 1. mapped for relevance to a role type and if so 2. graded according to level of knowledge required

- Use this with teams to discover the most relevant resources available to them on the Academy (some of the existing programmes will be a useful match but needs to be customised and more granular)

- support communities of practice with identified champions around each of the teams

The outcome will be part of a support model. At the moment this is heavily based around custom documents but I want to move to something which is more on-demand, community owned and of course leverages totara capability

Anyone got thoughts or experiences to share? Happy to contact separately.



Craig Eves
Re: Totara knowledge training needs analysis to support multiple internal teams
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2021年09月30日 Thursday 15:36
小组 Totara

Hi Paul

The Totara Academy uses the catalog with filters per Role, and product  for courses as well as using Engage contributions with Topics and tags for formal classification. 

For more granularity Sitewide tags and hashtags can be defined as well as users who can define their own tags for on-demand classification.

A further tool that can be used is the Recommendations engine which uses machine learning to provide relevant content that is based on metadata from how other similar users are using the content.

if you want more details of the Academy setup let us know and someone who was involved in setting this up can answer.

As far as using the Help site as a knowledge base the help content is created by a tool outside of Totara so you would have to import into Totara or use tools compatible with the help site authoring site for this.


Re: Totara knowledge training needs analysis to support multiple internal teams
SweeneyPaul 发表于 2021年10月4日 Monday 07:54

Thanks for coming back Craig,

Good reminder on the Academy role filtering. I have yet to get to grips with Engage functionality especially on sharing, including restricting this and assigning to workspaces.

Lots to dive in to!


Re: Totara knowledge training needs analysis to support multiple internal teams
CooperLee 发表于 2021年10月1日 Friday 02:59
小组 Totara小组 TXP Site Administrator

Hi Paul. 

First of all, this sounds like a great idea and one I would like to talk to you about in more detail. Your thoughts to date make perfect sense to me and are a great starting point. I'll drop you an email and we can pick up the conversation if that is ok with you of course?

Kind regards


Re: Totara knowledge training needs analysis to support multiple internal teams
SweeneyPaul 发表于 2021年10月1日 Friday 05:54

Hi Lee

thanks for coming back. Happy to talk direct and look fwd to email.

Equally would like to keep the conversation open to the forum. I know from a previous roles in LMS implementation - Totara but not exclusively - this is something that organisations struggle with.  Often the issue is framed exclusively in terms of security / permissions which is certainly important (how can we make sure people can't do damage or impact other system users?) . Often there there is a lack of empowerment aspects - what should the system be able to do for certain roles ... or should certain roles be able to do with the system? what training or resources do they have available to them so they can become a savvy using proposing creative solutions and new practices which benefit all. 

Lots of etcs possible in the above

