Totara Community Updates

Live Talent Experience Platform Demonstration, hear from the Met Office and share your thoughts on Totara for $25

Live Talent Experience Platform Demonstration, hear from the Met Office and share your thoughts on Totara for $25
LinakerMatt 发表于 2021年10月6日 Wednesday 07:27
小组 Totara

We’ll soon be running a live demonstration of the Talent Experience Platform, where you can see the latest improvements to Totara Learn and get an overview of both Totara Engage and Totara Perform. Learn how these products combine to form the Totara Talent Experience Platform, which unites your learning, engagement and performance management all in the same place.

The webinar takes place on the 20th of October at 4 pm London / 11 am New York. Come along, ask questions and see what you could do with your platform.

If you can’t wait that long, you can watch a demonstration as a webinar on-demand here.  You can also take the Academy course What is a Talent Experience Platform?

How the Met Office doubled their site logins with their ‘infinitely configurable LMS’ 

We’re really excited to hear from the Met Office who are speaking to the Community in a webinar next Wednesday. Join Brendan Kilshaw, e-Learning consultant from the Met Office and Joey Murison, Managing Director at Catalyst IT EU on the 13th October at 4pm London / 11am New York as they discuss how they successfully train weather forecasters and discover how COVID-19 completely transformed the way that the Met Office delivers training.


Looking to hear from more customers? Have a look through some of our recent customer story webinars.

Behind the scenes of Deloitte Accountancy's movie-themed Totara LMS

Etex: From spreadsheet to LMS - Totara's best manufacturing project 2020

How Glovo upskilled their growing global workforce with Totara 

Have you got a story you’d like to share? Get in touch! 

Share your thoughts on Totara and earn $25

If you'd like to write a public review of your Totara site, then from now until December 31st, the Gartner Peer Insights team will send a $25 Visa gift card to every customer who writes an approved review for Totara. All you have to do is leave a review of Totara here. 

Weekly Microlearning

Have you signed up to receive weekly tips on how to manage Totara yet? If not, simply complete this form and you’ll receive one tip a week to ensure you’re making the most of Totara. 

Are you new to Totara? Take the
Totara for beginners course

Whether you’re completely new to Totara, or you’d like to learn more about what’s possible in Totara, get started on using the Academy by taking the course ‘Totara for beginners’.

In this course you will learn:

  • What a Talent Experience Platform is
  • How to navigate around a Totara site
  • How to add a user and set up courses
  • How to build workspaces
  • How to create performance activities
  • And much more

Enrol in the course today!

Finally, let us know how you like to hear from us in this Community poll.

See you in the Community