We are investigating a solution for a customer and I couldn't find the perfect documentation to answer my own questions. So I'll try my luck here!
Is there a way to use and display the same Scorm package activity (with the suspend datas and progression for each user) in multiple courses?
I tried different ways described below but couldn't find a suitable one.
Thanks in advance for your answer,
The tries:
Steps: 1) add a scorm package to a course, 2) add the same scorm to another course using the file structure in Totara
Result: progression is not passed form one to another
Steps : 1) add a scorm package to a course, 2) add a link to the scorm package from a course to another
Result: progression is at only a place but not suitable for a good LX
Steps: 1) Same than #1 but using repositories 2) select "Create an alias/shortcut to the file" 3) select "auto-update"
Result: same than #1 progression is not passed from one to another