Totara Learn Open Discussions

Learn V13 - HR Import - Learner Welcome Emails Not Received

Learn V13 - HR Import - Learner Welcome Emails Not Received
FletcherIan 发表于 2021年10月27日 Wednesday 06:53


I am currently working with v13 of Totara Learn with Multitenancy turned on.  I have imported the following users via the attached file.  The users are added correctly but do not receive the Welcome Email with instructions on how to login along with their temporary password, etc.  To provide the learner with a customized Welcome Email and Subject Line I accessed the language customization settings and updated the following "core" components.  



Is there something else that needs to be turned on for these emails to be sent or modifications that need to be made to the HR import file?

One of these test accounts is associated with my personal email address.  I have checked the spam folder for this account and did not receive any emails from Totara.   



Craig Eves
Re: Learn V13 - HR Import - Learner Welcome Emails Not Received
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2021年10月28日 Thursday 19:37
小组 Totara

Hi Ian

The file looks Ok - having a password field that is blank should send the welcome email to the user with instructions for creating a password so they can login 

This only works for new users - are these users new and have they been added ?


Re: Learn V13 - HR Import - Learner Welcome Emails Not Received
FletcherIan 发表于 2021年10月29日 Friday 10:17

Hi Craig,

Thank you for reviewing the file.  Yes, the users are new and have been added.  I've tried the upload multiple times where I'll go in and remove the users and reupload them.  I've even tried the file with my yahoo and gmail account and the welcome message is still not being sent.  Is there anything else that I should check?




Craig Eves
Re: Learn V13 - HR Import - Learner Welcome Emails Not Received
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2021年10月31日 Sunday 16:08
小组 Totara

Hi Ian

I uploaded the file on the latest 13 on a test site with the tenant created and did receive an email with instructions for how to login.

When I look at the email from field it is showing as noreply@siteaddress 

Is it possible the email is being rejected by the server with the noreply email ?


Re: Learn V13 - HR Import - Learner Welcome Emails Not Received
FletcherIan 发表于 2021年11月5日 Friday 06:13

Hi Craig,

Thanks for the test.  I've used this same file structure with another customer and the emails were not blocked.  Are you thinking that it may be blocked from the server that we have this instance installed on here at Zoomi?  I can certainly have one of my network team members take a look to see if anything is out of the ordinary.

