we've transferred to Totara 13 recently and it would seem that our users are facing an issue not previously encountered (in this form) on 2.9.
Namely, some of our users would like to sign up for conflicting sessions (conflicting timeslots, to be exact) and the L&D department is willing to let them do this as most of our sessions are webinars where an (almost) unlimited number of users can join. Therefore, it does not make a difference if we let users book 2 sessions even though it's impossible for them to attend both. However, I cannot find a setting on site level to allow something like this.
On 2.9 a user could not book a conflicting session but was notified after clicking on the signup button exactly which course/session prevents the booking (and also could relatively easily cancel the previous booking). On Totara 13 the button for signup on the second course is not accessible if there is conflicting signup. Moreover, most users do not know which other signup prevents them from signing up to the current event.
In short: Is there a possibility to allow conflicting signups? :)