Totara Learn Open Discussions

Course completion report

Stephen Catton
Course completion report
על ידי Stephen Catton בתאריך 13/12/2021, 05:15

I have accidentally enrolled some people into an audience that was enrolled in some courses.

Although I have removed them from the Audience the courses are still showing up in their course completion report.

Is there a way to remove them?



Craig Eves
Re: Course completion report
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 13/12/2021, 16:27
קבוצה Totara

Hi Stephen 

There is a bulk deletion script in Totara that will delete unstarted course completion records of users that are not enrolled in a course.

Running the the script  admin/cli/delete_unused_course_completions.php -- help provides information on the options for running this


Stephen Catton
Re: Course completion report
על ידי Stephen Catton בתאריך 14/12/2021, 09:24

Hello Craig

You might have just saved my mind/life/job.

Will this have any impact where users, who have been correctly allocated courses via audience sync, but have yet to start. Will these courses, rightly, still show up as not started in a course completion report?



Craig Eves
Re: Course completion report
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 14/12/2021, 16:33
קבוצה Totara

Hi Stephen

It sounds like these records would be deleted too unless you put in a date from when the records need to be deleted from. 

If you use the help option there will be information on the date parameters that can be used. The audience enrolment probably would have happened at the same time if they were enrolled using a dynamic audience.

I haven't actually used this script but was involved in requesting this script be created for scenarios like yours..
