Totara Perform Open Discussions

Partner Validation - Assign participant instances to my Direct Reports

Phil Williscroft
Partner Validation - Assign participant instances to my Direct Reports
par Phil Williscroft, Tuesday 21 December 2021, 19:48


As part of the initiatives for v16 we've determined that there's an opportunity to add the ability to create 'My direct reports' as participants in a management feedback activity.

This is a clear gap that some of you have asked for as an improvement

We now want to validate our solution to ensure it will meet your customers needs.  

Assign participant instances to my Direct Reports

A solution to meet this requirement is fairly straight forward.  We are able to look at the subject's job assignments and identify those users where the subject holds the manager relationship.  We then send a participant instance to each of those users.

The admin function is an addition to the current participation relationship options.

Image of new direct repots feature

However we have one question regarding how this will interact with multiple job assignments

As we know participant assignment can ignore job assignment, or create independent activities for each job assignment.
Job assignment instances

So we can assign participant instances of the same activity to all direct reports in all job assignments where job assignment-based instances are disabled.  And we can assign separate activities (subject instances and their associated direct report participant instances) for each of the subject's job assignment.

But.  We cannot create an activity for a specific job assignment (i.e. just one of the manager's teams).  

My question is.  

Do you see this as a problem we need to solve?  How often are performance activities created for a specific team, rather than for all teams across your client's organisations?

I'd appreciate your feedback

Gemma Jones
Re: Partner Validation - Assign participant instances to my Direct Reports
par Gemma Jones, Thursday 23 December 2021, 04:25
Groupe PartnersGroupe TXP Site Administrator

Hi Phil,

What we are currently seeing with our customers using Perform, customers assign audiences to Performance Activities, rather than via organisations. Organisations would only have specific performance activities created if there was a need for this, for example having dedicated feedback questions relating to a certain team. Generally our customers use the disabled Job Assignment Based Instances.

Will the ‘direct report’ option within participants be available for all performance management activities or just feedback activities? We would require clarity on how and when to use this participant relationship if included within all activities.

Kind regards


Phil Williscroft
Re: Partner Validation - Assign participant instances to my Direct Reports
par Phil Williscroft, Thursday 23 December 2021, 12:56

Hi Gemma.

Thanks for your comments

In reply.

Will the ‘direct report’ option within participants be available for all performance management activities or just feedback activities? We would require clarity on how and when to use this participant relationship if included within all activities.

Performance activities doesn't differentiate feedback from appraisals from check-ins.  They are treated simply as a type. See on the general tab

Activity type

So all the configuration options apply to all types.

In the case of the direct reports relationship.  It is true that this would typically be used for management 360 feedback processes.  But there may be other cases where this is applicable.

How this is used?  

Performance activities uses (audience/position/organisation) assignment to define the activity subject, and the subject users' job assignments to select the formal participant relationships (Direct report, manager, appraiser, managers manager) and manual selection to define the informal participants (Peer, reviewer, Mentor, external recipient).

When the activity is created the code looks at the job assignments for the subject user and assigns a participant instance to the user holding the relationships defined as participants in the activity.  

In the case of direct reports it reverses the relationship to select participants where the subject holds the manager relationship on  users' job assignments.

Disables/Enables job assignment instances. 
Enabling job assignment instances is relevant where the client wants separate activities per job e.g User1 is a nurse (job1) and a member of the pandemic response team (job2).  I want to send separate activities for both those jobs to gather feedback on User1's job1 manager and job2 manager independently.

In this case if the activity is a simple 360 feedback 

with job assignment instances is disabled

    1. the activity will create subject instances for the managers defined in the assignment audience (manager1 and manager2) and participant instances for all the users where the user that is manager1 is on any job assignment as manager.  
    2. This could include teams other than nurse and pandemic response (if the manager in question also manages other teams), which may not be desirable.  In which case you can enable job instances to segregate the teams.
    3. Conversely, if the feedback is designed to be generic across all teams then this is exactly what you want.
The gap in this that I'm trying to assess is if the client wants to assign an activity to single teams.  Its not currently possible to assign and activity to a set of users (a team as an audience), AND ONLY the manager of that team.

While this is logically true, I'm unclear how much of a problem this represents.

I hope this helps