Totara Learn Open Discussions

Ways to display Virtual Classroom links on course page

Jennifer Lam
Ways to display Virtual Classroom links on course page
door Jennifer Lam - Tuesday, 11 January 2022, 02:05 AM


We are using Totara v12 and I understand that in Totara v13 there is this amazing Zoom integration for the seminar activity that automatically link the Zoom joining links into Totara course page and allow users to access the Zoom session from Totara. Unfortunately, we can't upgrade to v13 so I was wondering if there is any other plugin that allows me to do the same?

A bit of background info:

Our courses contains learners that participate in different dates and times of VC, we don't want them to see and be able to access VC links that are not related to them. The VC needs to be a part of the course completion.

We have been adding a seminar activity for them to choose the dates and time they want to attend, then we create groups in the course based on their selection. Then we add an "URL" activity for the VC (usually Zoom) link on the course page, restrict by the group. However, the VC links cannot be included in the course completion because they do not need to attend all VCs, only the one they selected. So we added a label and ask them to manually tick they have completed the VC which is not accurate at all...

Please any suggestion is welcomed!!!! We don't want the VC link just to be able to send out from Totara but accessible from the course page as the learner progress through the course.

Thank you very much! :)


Craig Eves
Re: Ways to display Virtual Classroom links on course page
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 16 January 2022, 17:34 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Jennifer

It is possible to add a custom field to a Room - one of the field types is  URL - this would tie the custom field to the room and not require a separate activity.


Jennifer Lam
Re: Ways to display Virtual Classroom links on course page
door Jennifer Lam - Monday, 17 January 2022, 01:28 AM

Thank you Craig,

I have tried this but the custom field, i.e. the virtual classroom link, will be available to everyone in the course if they have not been booked onto an event? Is there a way where it cannot show to all users in the course but only show when a user has booked onto the event?

Best regards


Craig Eves
Re: Ways to display Virtual Classroom links on course page
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 17 January 2022, 15:11 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Jennifer

I can't see a way of restricting the display of this information to specific users.

You could achieve this by including the link in the seminar confirmation and reminder notifications.


Jessica Smith
Re: Ways to display Virtual Classroom links on course page
door Jessica Smith - Thursday, 20 January 2022, 14:53 PM


We have tried to do the same thing.

We modified notifications in the past for this reason (put the link directly in the notification), but it doesn't work if you have multiple seminar events with different links. You can put the link in the seminar details block and that will go into the notifications, but that's visible even if they're not booked. We currently add the link under the room and hope people look at that link once they are booked and it's already on their calendar. 

I did see a plug-in with Adobe Connect and Moodle. Would that work with Totara?

Thank you!

Jennifer Lam
Re: Ways to display Virtual Classroom links on course page
door Jennifer Lam - Friday, 11 February 2022, 02:00 AM
Hey Jessica,

Totara is built from Moodle so yes, most of the time plugins for Moodle works on Totara but you will need to make sure the plugins work on your Totara version.

Best regards
