Totara Perform Open Discussions

Perform Activities Sitemanager & Tenant manager

Christian Greiner
Perform Activities Sitemanager & Tenant manager
بواسطة Tuesday, 1 February 2022, 3:19 AM - Christian Greiner

Dear @all,

Challenge: If i as a siteadmin would like to share appraisals activities (forms) for local tenant manager to use in their tenant and localize them (e.g. language). How can i do it.?

If i as a siteadmin create an appraisal - i assume it is saved on sitelevel & not on tenant level.

In our case we have 23 different tenants that should use the same appraisal forms. Is there es solution for this?

thanks Christian

Craig Eves
Re: Perform Activities Sitemanager & Tenant manager
بواسطة Monday, 21 February 2022, 5:30 PM - Craig Eves (Totara Support)
مجموعة Totara

Hi Christian

I had a test to see if I could achieve this - If you assign the tenant domain manager users to the performance activity manager role at the system level and login as the tenant domain manager you should see

Under activity management - the system level performance activities as well as your tenant performance activities. Note It is possible to see system audiences and your tenant audiences.

However when I  go to clone the system performance acclivity this is not an option - cloning tenant based activities is possible.
