Best practice forum (Archived)

Reflection Activity Assistance

Reflection Activity Assistance
TworekChristine 发表于 2022年02月1日 Tuesday 18:39

Hi Everyone,

My workplace is considering using the REFLECTION activity (we use V12).

I was wondering if anyone else is/has used this and whether the CONTENT can be reported, or is it ONLY visible to the individual learner who has written in it.

The description in the reflection option doesnt give much detail (i have screenshot it here).

Basically, i feel that a reflection is personal and managers etc shouldnt be able to run a report to view content. Running a report to see if one has been entered is fine but its the actual content, i feel is an invasion of privacy and not overly relevant.

I have run a test and cant find the content in the reports and have accessed via line manager to find the content and unable but not to say that i have checked all possible options, if that makes sense.

I would love some advise, or opinions or options which would be really welcome. Thank you all so much.