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Need tags or Search Metadata to work on course catalog

Need tags or Search Metadata to work on course catalog
CardenasJacque 发表于 2022年02月8日 Tuesday 16:04


We are using the report version of the course catalog in v12, otherwise known as Enhanced catalog: courses.  I want to be able to add tags to courses OR list terms in the course setting called "Search metadata," so that when a user searches using the search box at the top of the course catalog report, courses with those tags or terms in search metadata will come up.  That does not work.  I think it is because the setting on the filter tab of that report does not allow me to add tags or metadata as options for what that search box will search.  (see attached screenshots)
Why not?  The whole purpose of a tag or search metadata term is for searching/filtering.  Seems strange. I must be missing something.

I did find a way to add tags as a filter at the top of the report, but it is not ideal.  

Tags are enabled site wide.

Any suggestions?

Craig Eves
Re: Need tags or Search Metadata to work on course catalog
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2022年02月8日 Tuesday 17:42
小组 Totara

Hi Jacque

The new catalogue functions are linked to the Advanced setting > Catalogue default view of Grid. Note this takes a while to process and you will be notified when this is completed.

I tried adding metadata in the course and searching in the catalogue and this works for me - are you separating terms with a space 

The tags you enter for the course are what the search is restricted to - are some of the tags at a site or activity level?


Re: Need tags or Search Metadata to work on course catalog
CardenasJacque 发表于 2022年02月9日 Wednesday 09:03

Hi Craig, 

While using the Report view, I only had one term in the metadata field, but my search would not return the course where I added that one term in the metadata field.

Also while using Report view, my single tag is on the course and it is in the list of standard tags.  I'm not exactly sure how to tell if that is site level, but courses are listed in the tag areas on the default collection and searchable is checked.  Courses are listed as System Component and enabled in the Tag Area.  

I did try switching to Grid view in our test environment and both tags and metadata worked as expected.  Thank you for your help!

Re: Need tags or Search Metadata to work on course catalog
LowndesPaul 发表于 2022年02月9日 Wednesday 09:45
小组 Most Helpful Contributor 2021

Hi Craig 

I was testing this functionality yesterday funnily enough and have another follow up question. 

The list of tags seems to be limited to the first 100 or so (listed alphabetically) and does not show all the tags we have created. 

We have around 400 tags so if I want a tag to show that starts with W I have to prefix with AA yo see it in my list of options.

We maybe should cull some of our tags but our other systems allow to search all available tags not just the first 100 or so

Am I right?


Craig Eves
Re: Need tags or Search Metadata to work on course catalog
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2022年02月10日 Thursday 16:27
小组 Totara

Hi Paul

It is possible that there is a upper limit on the display of records for tags - like in the user search area  that is limited to 1000 records. This is probably for performance purposes,

It looks like there is a hardcoded limit of 150 for display of tags in reports - is this a report they are being displayed in ?

Can you confirm that the tags starting with W are found when you search for them?
