Totara Learn Open Discussions

Assignment, Rubric and report

Andrés Acevedo Valdivia
Assignment, Rubric and report
de Andrés Acevedo Valdivia - Thursday, 17 de February de 2022, 06:02
Grupo Partners

Greetings to Totara Community,

How I can see by report, grades in rubric?

Usually i can see final grade but no how this grade was conform.

It is possible to see in report or by another way, but massive, to see all scopes of rubric?

Best regards

Craig Eves
Re: Assignment, Rubric and report
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 17 de February de 2022, 14:31
Grupo Totara

Hi  Andrés 

The grader report  shows a breakdown of the activities that make up the course grade.

There is also the User report tab in the Grader report that shows the breakdown for each activity in more detail.


Andrés Acevedo Valdivia
Re: Assignment, Rubric and report
de Andrés Acevedo Valdivia - Tuesday, 22 de February de 2022, 18:33
Grupo Partners

Thank you very much Craig for your answer.

I was looking for a report that can show me, as a site admin, more than just the final grade. In this case, all the calification that have rubric.

Example: Correct use of helmet 3, Correct use of gloves 5, Correct application of check list before begin 2. I know final grade but I want to access as site admin, to a report that contain all the califications that conform rubric.

¿Do you know if is this possible?

Craig Eves
Re: Assignment, Rubric and report
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 22 de February de 2022, 19:31
Grupo Totara

Hi Andres

The Assignment activity does allow this kind of Rubric to be defined but there isn't a report than provides a summary of these at a site level.

What you are describing sounds more like competencies which Totara Perform can be used to set up with appropriate achievment paths 

Have a look at the  Perform course to see more of the features and how this can be used for.


Andrés Acevedo Valdivia
Re: Assignment, Rubric and report
de Andrés Acevedo Valdivia - Tuesday, 22 de February de 2022, 20:07
Grupo Partners

Thanks very much again, Craig.

Your confirmation and suggestions help me a lot.

Best Regards.