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Is there a maximum size of a SCORM package?

Is there a maximum size of a SCORM package?
MayerPeter 发表于 2022年02月22日 Tuesday 09:31
小组 Partners

Despite an intensive search, I could not answer a customer question. Does anyone know if there is a maximum size for SCORM packages?

Craig Eves
Re: Is there a maximum size of a SCORM package?
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2022年02月22日 Tuesday 14:47
小组 Totara

Hi Peter

The file size limit can be set at a number of levels 

  • Server level 
  • Site level 
  • Course level 
  • Activity level
There is some further info on how to do this 

  1. Go to [Course name] > Course administration > Edit settings and obtain the Maximum upload size value under Files and uploads.
  2. Check the size of the file matches the course upload limit.
  3. Go to Quick-access menu > Server > PHP Info and check values for:
    • post_max_size
    • upload_max_filesize (this can be changed by editing the php.ini file located on the web server e.g. upload_max_filesize = 60M will increase max file upload to 60mb)
    • max_execution_time - (a low execution time can impact the uploads of larger files, particularly if you also have poor bandwidth)

The first two will normally determine the site upload limit, so they're worth checking, especially if the limit needs to be raised.

  • Check that no restrictions have been set on the webserver:
    • If the webserver is Apache, it's worth checking to see if there is an .htaccess file with upload limits in place. This would normally show the appropriate limit via the user interface, so if the file is within the limit shown in the user interface, it's unlikely to be related to .htaccess.
    • If the webserver is IIS, there could be a filesize limit in IIS request filtering.