Totara Community Updates

Join the discussion in our new Course Creation workspace and today’s live demo of the Talent Experience Platform

Rachel Griffith-Boyes
Join the discussion in our new Course Creation workspace and today’s live demo of the Talent Experience Platform
by Rachel Griffith-Boyes - Wednesday, 23 February 2022, 3:37 AM
Group Totara

Hi Community!

This week we’re inviting you to join our new Course Creation workspace. We know that many of you are involved in creating learning content and this space allows us to learn from each other and hear about your approach to course creation. If you have a question or something you think other Course Creators would find useful, do post it in the workspace today! We’ve kicked things off by adding a few useful resources to the workspace library, including links to our Course Creator program, our most-watched webinar on the Adapt authoring tool and a recent poll on which authoring tools you are all using. Please add to our resources with any of your own, and start discussions you would like to hear more about.

Join the workspace today

And if Course Creation isn’t your thing, remember we have a range of other workspaces you might like to join.

Updated Academy course

Speaking of Course Creation, the team is working on updates to our most popular Course Creator courses, starting with Getting started with quizzes which is now updated to Totara 15. In this course you’ll explore not only how to set up your quizzes in Totara, but best-practice guidance around assessment methods, when and how to use quizzes, and how to write good questions. So even if you’re not currently using the Totara quiz feature, you might find there’s some useful information in there for you!

Take the course

Today’s live demo of the Totara Talent Experience Platform: 4pm GMT 

Join us today for a live demonstration of the Talent Experience Platform. See a demonstration of how Totara Learn, Totara Engage and Totara Perform combine to create the Talent Experience Platform.

Register now to save your space

See what else is coming up

You can see all of our upcoming webinars here. Here’s a preview of what’s coming up:

If you miss a webinar, or want to see other topics we’ve discussed you can see all our webinars on demand here. Take a look at last week’s webinar where we focused on Watts ‘Learn and Earn’ program and how they grew learner engagement through customisation and gamification.

New getting started guides in Help documentation

We’ve received some great feedback about our Quick-start and Getting started guides on the Totara Help site, so we’ve written some more! From today, you can now access a Getting started guide for each of Totara Learn, Totara Engage and Totara Perform! These guides are a great place to start if you are new to a product. Let us know what you think by providing feedback on the Help site. 

Are there any other getting started guides you would like? Email us at

Get certified

Congratulations to those of you who have already certified in our latest Site Administrator programs! There are over a hundred of you currently working your way through the Totara 15 programs - good luck!

That’s all for this week - looking forward to seeing you in the Community again soon!

P.S. Don’t forget to sign up for our popular microlearning emails!