Totara Learn Open Discussions

Re-uploading a SCORM package

Paula Americo
Re-uploading a SCORM package
door Paula Americo - Thursday, 17 March 2022, 05:25 AM

Good morning! I seem to have gotten a number of different answers to this question, so I'm trying again. If I update a course and need to re-upload the SCORM package on Totara, will I lose user completion data? Thank you!

Sue Blake
Re: Re-uploading a SCORM package
door Sue Blake - Thursday, 17 March 2022, 06:10 AM
Groep Good learner 2023Groep Most Helpful Contributor 2022Groep Most helpful contributor 2023Groep TXP Site AdministratorGroep V18 Program Complete

Hi Paula, I had this issue a couple of months ago.  I updated an Articulate e-learning course I had created and saved it under a new name, I did not realise that the new Articulate SCORM file generated a new LMS Course Information Identifier code when I published it and replaced it on our LMS.   

When I ran the SCORM report in Totara it just showed those who completed the course after the file was updated.  The Course completion report still had all the previous completion information.

Our Articulate external support service said:

When you save with a different name, you effectively created a different course. Ideally, each LMS has a method and process for creating versions of the same course and you have to follow the process. I will recommend that you liaise with your LMS Totara service provider on how to do versioning. From the Articulate perspective, you just need to maintain the same name when publishing.

Hope this info help.

I won't make the same mistake again!



Paula Americo
Re: Re-uploading a SCORM package
door Paula Americo - Thursday, 17 March 2022, 06:47 AM

Thank you, Sue!

Craig Eves
Re: Re-uploading a SCORM package
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 17 March 2022, 14:15 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Paula

To retain the completion data when the updated package is uploaded into the same activity the SCORM package requires the same item identifier in the imsmanifest.xml file as Sue has stated.

There are details on how to auto-update SCORM used in multiple courses that may be useful
