Totara Learn Open Discussions

Seminars in course catalogue

Colleen Rowley-Smith
Seminars in course catalogue
von Colleen Rowley-Smith – Wednesday, 23 March 2022, 10:05 AM


We are an eating disorder charity and run multiple workshops for carers that are bookable through the LMS - we're quite happy using the seminar function itself, but we're noticing that as the seminars are set up as courses this means that there are multiple versions of these courses pulling through to the course catalogue which we don't want.  For example, we'll see at least 10 workshops of the same name in the catalogue (the workshops run at different times throughout the month).  

I've noticed that the webinars on Totara Community are set up as resources, rather than courses, and then the booking link takes you out of the LMS and into the Totara website to book.  I quite like the idea of having the seminars set up as resources, rather than courses, but not sure if this is possible, or if there is another way we can have multiple seminars of the same type running throughout the month without there being multiple course blocks in the catalogue.  I've screenshotted what this looks like in the course catalogue for us.  

The list of seminars in the event block also doesn't look too nice, and runs just as a long list - is there an option for a search function for this report, or to show the seminars in a different way?  

Any help or suggestions very much appreciated



Sue Blake
Re: Seminars in course catalogue
von Sue Blake – Thursday, 24 March 2022, 1:52 AM
Gruppe Good learner 2023Gruppe Most Helpful Contributor 2022Gruppe Most helpful contributor 2023Gruppe TXP Site AdministratorGruppe V18 Program Complete

Hi Colleen

I hope I'm reading your post correctly, we also have a number of standard courses that we run workshops in at various points in the year.  We have one course page and then have multiple seminar activities on that one course page.  We just create each workshop as a new event on the course page.  I've attached a screenshot of what our course looks like showing the seminars available and just one course tile on the catalogue.  We are using Totara version 12.

Hope this is of some help.
