Totara Learn Open Discussions

No notifications in the Alerts block

Andrei Bohoru
No notifications in the Alerts block
par Andrei Bohoru, Wednesday 27 April 2022, 06:18
Groupe PartnersGroupe TXP Site Administrator


No notifications shows in the alerts block, even though there are many to show. This particular account I'm testing now is a manager account and I sent a seminar request approval from an subordinate learner, but when I check from manager account there is nothing there. Only when I checked the semniar activity/participants, the request was there and it could be approved. But this is not OK, what settings and where should I modify for alerts to be shown in the designed fror them block?
Could it be a migration issue, the platfoprm was just updated fron v11 to v14?

Thank you,


Andrei Bohoru
Re: No notifications in the Alerts block
par Andrei Bohoru, Thursday 28 April 2022, 07:11
Groupe PartnersGroupe TXP Site Administrator

Found out that the reason was the cron job. Once fixed now all alerts are showing in the Alerts block.