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Specific Help about Seminar activity

Andrés Acevedo Valdivia
Specific Help about Seminar activity
Acevedo ValdiviaAndrés 发表于 2022年05月4日 Wednesday 12:55
小组 Partners

Hi everyone,

I hope somebody can help me with this specific issue.

1. We have noticed that activiy "Seminar" dont let to enter to student when activity start.

There is a setting that we are not seeing?

2. Could be possible to cancel require inscription in order to dont ask nothing to student and just let him/her enter?

3. If i have 3 groups in the same course (each group with different and specific schedule)  and they start in different date of registration: it is possible show specific seminar to they (don't show other events for other 2 groups)?.

Pleae you help.

Best regards.

Craig Eves
Re: Specific Help about Seminar activity
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2022年05月4日 Wednesday 16:56
小组 Totara

Hi Andres

  1.  Signup to an event by a learner is not possible when the event is in progress. 
    It is possible for an administrator to add an attendee when the event is in progress so the user could message the administrator to add them.
    I can't see any settings to override this and can't see a feature request around this.
  2.  I am not sure what you are asking for here - can you clarify?
  3. Using separate groups for the seminar activity will keep the sessions only visible to the group members


Andrés Acevedo Valdivia
Re: Specific Help about Seminar activity
Acevedo ValdiviaAndrés 发表于 2022年05月4日 Wednesday 20:24
小组 Partners

Really thanks very much Craig for your answers i will take a screenshoot for point 2.

about point 3 i was thinking this could be possible by group but with your confirmation i will make tests mor confident.

about point 1 is sad, because always few % of people are delay in this kind of events.


Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andrés Acevedo Valdivia
Re: Specific Help about Seminar activity
Acevedo ValdiviaAndrés 发表于 2022年05月19日 Thursday 11:57
小组 Partners

Hi Craig,

I came fixed how to join the meeting as user view who is currently going.

I just want to know, it's possible to have an attendance list automatically? I just can see option to admin or proffesor assing partial attendant option, complete attendant and other two.

Craig Eves
Re: Specific Help about Seminar activity
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2022年05月19日 Thursday 15:37
小组 Totara

Hi Andres

The attendance list is available to admins when they click on the Actions > Attendees 

A sign up sheet is available at the bottom of the page 

The take attendance tab allows bulk actions for marking selected users attendance.

I am not sure by what you mean by provide an attendance list automatically. There is a Seminars signup report that could be scheduled to be sent to admins but you wouldn't be able to mark attendance from this which is what it sounds like you want to do.


Andrés Acevedo Valdivia
Re: Specific Help about Seminar activity
Acevedo ValdiviaAndrés 发表于 2022年05月19日 Thursday 21:09
小组 Partners

Thanks Craig,

Yes, your interpretation is well. I am looking for to have an automatic attendance list because i want to use zoom or teams link and sometimes people connect by other counts without the formal name wich make this hard to know qho really came to webinar/metting/online class.

I understood that you as admin or proffesor, can mark asistance one by one or bulk, this will never be by automatic way.

Thanks for all your help

Andrés Acevedo Valdivia
Re: Specific Help about Seminar activity
Acevedo ValdiviaAndrés 发表于 2022年05月19日 Thursday 21:03
小组 Partners

Hi Craig, I cant find yor recomendation in Totara, I can only assign diferent gropus to Survey activity, this is not possible to do in Seminar activitie:

Ejemplo actividad seminario