Totara Learn Open Discussions

Course completion - notification?

Fiona Bowen
Course completion - notification?
von Fiona Bowen – Sunday, 8 May 2022, 11:49 PM

Hi all,

I'm wondering if there's a way that you can set a notification message to be received by either Site Admin/Editing Trainer when a course is completed by a user?  I understand you can set notifications linked to events (in Seminars) and you can set messages to be received at Program level.  But I can't seem to find a way that a message can be sent out to Site Admin/Editing Trainers when a user completes a course ...  

I don't want to dip into the Course Completion report, I'm keen to have it sent to me automatically for this course so I can action other permissions etc in other areas.

Any advice? 



Sue Blake
Re: Course completion - notification?
von Sue Blake – Monday, 9 May 2022, 12:39 AM
Gruppe Good learner 2023Gruppe Most Helpful Contributor 2022Gruppe Most helpful contributor 2023Gruppe TXP Site AdministratorGruppe V18 Program Complete

Hi Fiona, 

I use Event Monitoring Rules for a number of learner activities i.e. when they declare interest, cancel a booking or book a place on a seminar.  There might be something under that area that would work for you.

I only came across this function recently, we are using Version 12.  I've attached a screenshot to show where it is found, I think I may have had to enable it in settings in the first instance.

Hope this helps.


Meredith Henson
Re: Course completion - notification?
von Meredith Henson – Monday, 9 May 2022, 2:28 AM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Fiona,

Given your request, I think you might want to drop into to What's New in v16 webinar I'm holding this week.  I don't want to drop any spoilers, but you might just find your requirement for a course completion notification will be available in the new release ;)

Kind regards,


Nathan Harris
Re: Course completion - notification?
von Nathan Harris – Monday, 9 May 2022, 12:43 PM

Hi Fiona,

We have Completion Certificates in a lot of our courses and within the certificate settings there is the 'Notify Others' field.  You can add an email address to this field so when a user completes a course and generates their completion certificate Totara emails a notification to the email address you've added.



Fiona Bowen
Re: Course completion - notification?
von Fiona Bowen – Sunday, 15 May 2022, 7:59 PM

Thanks everyone for your assistance - these are all wonderful things I'll explore.  Appreciate your time.

